The iCounty electronic recording solution from iCounty Technologies is a trusted eRecording services platform for submitters and recorders. iCounty is a secure, web-based application that automates the document recordation process, allowing the creation, submission and recording of electronic documents.
Long gone are the days of submitting records to the county recorders office via the mail or courier. With electronic recording, your document can be recorded in minutes.
iCounty is the fastest, most efficient way for submitters to record documents in a local or remote Recorder of Deed’s office. Connecting business and government is our business.
Submit Documents
Allows lenders, title companies, attorneys, and financial institutions to submit electronically to recorders office.
Enables document submitters to electronically prepare and submit document to iCounty from any system.
Receive Documents
Receive electronic documents from submitters using any electronic recording system.
Easily receive, review, and record electronically.
We work co-operatively with multiple vendors to connect services for fast and secure receipt and recordation of records. Our co-operative integration requires little to no time from client resources. This co-operative approach to erecording enables submitters to electronically deliver documents to all participating counties using any submission system. Whats more is counties are able to receive electronic documents from submitters using integrated electronic recording systems.
A key Intangible at iCounty Technologies is we care about the customer. We have the client testimonials to prove it. As a standard we provide excellent and immediate support on a product that is very stable. Want to know more about iCounty eRecording solution? Request a demo.